The rover could move. The first story was done. But anyone could see that we were by no means done. So what did our to-do list look like?
Firstly, we had to finish assembling the chassis. The printer still hasn't had the chance to "catch his breath". It created our second story and again, we had to assemble it with many many screws. Of course assembling the chassis wasn't not enough. We still had a lot of sensors, the mainboards, the servo's and the batteries to screw in. Assembling everything sounds easy but it's actually extremely time-consuming... Especially when the supports break and you have to wait for them to be printed again and when we have to drill some holes we don't have. Luckily we do have every tool we need to adjust the design of the rover to our needs. So how does the rover look now? Well it's definitely not done, but progress has been made: On the first floor the Arduino, the radiation sensors and the grippers mechansim have been screwed. However on the second floor we only have the launching mecahnsims of the mini research stations done and bolted into the chassis but that doesn't mean that we are behind schedule. We are trying to finish the whole code before we install them on the rover and of course we tested the individual codes before.

Our next step will be testing everything together. We are getting closer and closer to finishing every part individually and soon we'll hopefully be able to test the rover as a whole.
